3-7 oct. 2022 Besançon (France)
Ancestors' genetic weights in biparental populations
Camille Coron  1@  
1 : Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Orsay
CNRS : UMR8628, Université Paris XI - Paris Sud

Our goal is to study the genetic composition of a population in which each individual has 2 parents, who contribute equally to the genome of their ospring. We use a bi-parental Moran model, which is characterized by its xed number N of individuals. We x an individual and consider the proportions of the genomes of all individuals living n time steps later, that come from this individual. When n goes to innity, these proportions all converge almost surely towards the same random variable. When N then goes to innity, this random variable multiplied by N (i.e. the stationary weight of any ancestor in the whole population) converges in law towards the mixture of a Dirac measure in 0 and an exponential law with parameter 1/2, and the weights of a nite number of ancestors are independent. As a consequence, we obtain that the sequence of increasing weights of all ancestors, when properly rescaled, converges to the function −2 ln(2(1 − u)) for u > 1/2.

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