3-7 oct. 2022 Besançon (France)
How to determine a new drug combination for Temozolomide-resistant brain tumor cells, through cellular Pharmacokinetics/ Pharmacodynamics Model
Sergio Corridore  1, 2, 3@  , Maité Verreault  4@  , Hugo Martin  5@  , Ahmed Idbaih  4@  , Annabelle Ballesta  1, 2, 3@  
1 : INSERM U900, Paris
Institut Curie, Saint Cloud
2 : Paris Saclay University
CNRS, Université Paris Sud, Université Paris Saclay
3 : MINES ParisTech
CBIO - Centre for Computational Biology, PSL Research University, Paris
4 : Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris
Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière
5 : Unité Inserm 900 Cancer et génome : Bioinformatique, biostatistiques et épidémiologie des systèmes complexes
Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale - INSERM, Institut Curie - René Huguenin

Temozolomide (TMZ)-based chemotherapy is the most common pharmacological treatment in patients with diagnosed Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most frequent and aggressive type of primary brain tumours in adults. Even if TMZ administration has improved patient overall survival, the prognosis remains dismal and no major therapeutic advance has been accomplished within the past 10 years. This may be related to the tumour heterogeneity and plasticity ultimately leading to treatment escape, such challenge being further complicated by large inter-patient variability.

This work presents a new quantitative systems pharmacology approach combining experimental and mathematical expertise to design efficient TMZ-based combination therapies. Since multiple regulatory pathways may be deregulated initially or activated upon drug exposure in GBM cells, this study aims to identify which targeted molecules, affecting key intracellular functions (DNA repair, cell cycle, apop- tosis, etc.), can be associated with TMZ to enhance its efficacy. This concept of synthetic lethality is implemented thanks to a mechanism-based approach consisting of an ODE model of TMZ pharmacoki- netics - pharmacodynamics (PK-PD), evaluated in two cancer cell populations- TMZ sensitive and TMZ resistant LN229 GBM human cell- to account for tumor heterogeneity.

The cellular model was able to reproduce multi-type datasets of several independent studies, performed in both LN229 cells. The calibrated PK-PD model was used as a powerful tool to investigate new multi- drug strategies. Any combination of TMZ with a single targeted molecule required almost entire inhibition of the target to be effective. The optimal strategy, defined as the one minimizing TMZ dose and inhibition level of molecular targets in both cell lines, consisted in combining TMZ to two inhibitors of distinct repair pathways. It is currently investigated experimentally.

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